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Discussione: Gallery2 PHP help?

  1. #1

    Question Gallery2 PHP help?

    Ciao, ho bisogno dell'aiuto per Gallery2

    Come posso regolare ciò:

    exec() allowed
    Warning: The exec() function is disabled in your PHP by the disabled_functions parameter in php.ini. You won't be able to use modules that require external binaries (e.g. ImageMagick, NetPBM or Ffmpeg). This can only be set server-wide, so you will need to change it in the global php.ini.
    Filesystem Operations
    Error: Essential filesystem operations are disabled in your PHP by the disabled_functions parameter in php.ini. You must allow these functions before Gallery will run. These functions are missing: chmod.
    Translation support
    Your webserver does not support localization. To enable support for additional languages please instruct your system administrator to reconfigure PHP with the gettext option enabled.
    putenv() allowed
    Warning: The putenv() function is disabled in your PHP by the disabled_functions parameter in php.ini. Gallery can function with this setting, but on some rare systems Gallery will be unable to run in other languages than the system language and English.
    Output buffering disabled
    Warning: Output buffering is enabled in your PHP by the output_buffering, zlib.output_compression parameter(s) in php.ini. Gallery can function with this setting - downloading files is even faster - but Gallery might be unable to serve large files (e.g. large videos) and run into the memory limit. Also, some features like the progress bars might not work correctly if output buffering is enabled unless ini_set() is allowed.


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    Ci sono già molte discussione che dicono che non si riesce a installare Gallery2 su AlterVista.
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