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Discussione: [elgg] Requisiti disponibili per i siti su Altervista???

  1. #1

    Predefinito [elgg] Requisiti disponibili per i siti su Altervista???

    Eccovi i requisiti per questo splendido cms ELGG:

    Elgg runs on a combination of the Apache web server, MySQL database system and the PHP interpreted scripting language. This is the most popular web server environment in the world. Elgg can be used with other web servers but these are not officially supported.
    Due to Elgg's advanced functionality, there are some configuration requirements:
    The Apache web server needs to be installed with the following modules:
    modrewrite module
    MySQL 5+ (We test with sql_mode in standard mode. Other modes like traditional are not officially supported)
    PHP 5.2+ installed as an Apache module with the following libraries:
    GD (for graphics processing: user and group profile icons plus many plugins such as captcha)
    JSON (for API functionality) - included in PHP 5.2 and above
    Multibyte String support (for internationalisation)
    Note: we do not officially support running PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode. Also running PHP in safe mode can cause problems and has been deprecated in PHP 5.3.0.
    It is recommended that you increase the memory available to PHP beyond the standard 8 or 12 MB, and increase the maximum uploaded filesize (which defaults to 2M). By default, these settings have been set for you in the .htaccess file in the base Elgg directory.

    Posso averli tutti su altervista??? siccome ho provato ad installarlo ma mi dice che non ci sono i requisiti come faccio ad impostarli? Se manca qualcosa su altervista mi dite qual'è??

    Grazie per le risposte

  2. #2
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