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Discussione: Convertire codice perl a php

  1. #1

    Predefinito Convertire codice perl a php

    Ciao a tutti!

    Qualche settimana fa ho scritto su questo forum che uno script per generare file KML (Google Earth file) non funzionava nel mio sito, perchè non era PHP ma era PERL.

    arrivo al dunque: potreste convertirmi il seguente codice in PHP?

    # This script will convert GeoIP data obtained from maxmind
    # to Google Earth's KML format for easy viewing. It also 
    # supports filters to narrow down interesting areas.
    # You can get latest GeoIP database here:
    # Note: Click on "Download the latest GeoLite City CSV Format" link
    #       and extract all files in the same directory as this executable
    #       The first time you execute, you will have to generate a new
    #       database optimized for operations of this script.
    # Usage:
    # geoip2kml -o output_file -f countrycode_or_city_filter
    # Developed by
    use Socket;
    use Getopt::Std;
    my %options;
    my $output_file = $options{o};
    my $filter = $options{f};
    unless (defined $output_file) {
    print '
       _____ __________.____     
      /     \______   \    |    
     /  \ /  \|       _/    |    
    /    Y    \    |   \    |___ 
    \____|__  /____|_  /_______ \
            \/       \/        \/
    print "geoip2kml - Converts GeoIP information to Google Earth's KML format\n";
    print "For questions and bug reports contact: iphelix at\n\n";
    print "Typical Usage: ./geoip2kml -o filename.kml -f US\n"; 
    print " -o filename - specify output KML file name to use with Google Earth\n";
    print " -f filter - specify filter (regex) to use when generating KML file\n";
    print "             e.g -f US will only show US locations or\n";
    print "		    -f \"San Francisco\" will display all ips assigned\n";
    print "		    to San Francisco and South San Francisco area\n";
    exit 1;
    # A) First check if GeoLiteCity-Ids exists which is important for future steps
    unless(-e "GeoLiteCity-Ids.csv") {
    	print "[!!!] I did not detect GeoLiteCity-Ids.csv file!\n";
    	print "[ * ] Generating GeoLiteCity-Ids.csv (it might take awhile)...\n";
    	my $temp;
    	open(BLOC,"GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv") || die "[!!!] Couldn't open GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv\n";
    	# skip first two lines
    	#read BLOC, $temp, 1; read BLOC, $temp, 1;
    	my @ids;
    	my ($startIpNum,$endIpNum,$locId);
    	my $counter=-1;
    	while(<BLOC>) {
    		if($counter < 2) { next; } # skip first two lines
    		($startIpNum,$endIpNum,$locId) = split(/,/);
    		$ids[$locId] = $ids[$locId].$startIpNum.'-'.$endIpNum."|";	
    	close BLOC;
    	my $counter=0;
    	print "[ * ] Done loading, now sorting ".@ids." elements\n";
    	open(IDS,">GeoLiteCity-Ids.csv") || die "[!!!] Couldn't open GeoLiteCity-Ids.csv\n";
    	foreach (@ids) {
    		print IDS $counter.','.$_."\n";
    		unless($counter % 100000) { print "$counter - $_\n"; }
    	close IDS;
    # B) Load GeoLiteCity-Ids file and split values into array
    my $counter = 0;
    my @blocks;
    open(BLOC, "GeoLiteCity-Ids.csv") || die "[!!!] Couldn't open GeoLiteCity-Ids.csv\n";
    print "[ * ] Loading GeoLiteCity database...\n";
    while(<BLOC>) {
    	my ($blocId,$ips) = split(/,/);
    	$blocks[$blocId] = $ips;
    close BLOC;
    print "[ * ] Finished loading ".@blocks." elements\n";
    # C) Start generating KML file
    print "[ * ] Generating KML file...\n";
    $counter = 0;
    open(OUT, ">$output_file");
    print OUT "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
    print OUT "<kml xmlns=\"\">\n";
    print OUT "<Document>\n";
    print OUT "<Style id='small'>\n";
    print OUT "	<IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "		<scale>0.5</scale>\n";
    print OUT "		<Icon><href></href></Icon>\n";
    print OUT "	</IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "</Style>\n";
    print OUT "<Style id='medium'>\n";
    print OUT "	<IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "		<scale>1.0</scale>\n";
    print OUT "		<Icon><href></href></Icon>\n";
    print OUT "	</IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "</Style>\n";
    print OUT "<Style id='large'>\n";
    print OUT "	<IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "		<scale>1.5</scale>\n";
    print OUT "		<Icon><href></href></Icon>\n";
    print OUT "	</IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "</Style>\n";
    print OUT "<Style id='gigantic'>\n";
    print OUT "	<IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "		<scale>2.0</scale>\n";
    print OUT "		<Icon><href></href></Icon>\n";
    print OUT "	</IconStyle>\n";
    print OUT "</Style>\n";
    print OUT "<Folder>\n";
    print OUT "	<name>GeoIP $filter</name>\n";
    # Go through GeoLiteCity-Location file printing out data
    open(LOC, "GeoLiteCity-Location.csv") || die "[!!!] Couldn't open GeoLiteCity-Location.csv\n";
    while(<LOC>) {
    	my ($locId,$country,$region,$city,$postalCode,$latitude,$longitude,$dmaCode,$areaCode) = split(/,/);
    	# skip headers and filtered locations
    	if($city eq 'city' || $city eq '') { next; }
    	if(defined $filter && ($country ne $filter) && ($city !~ $filter)) { next; }
    	my (@ranges) = split(/\|/,$blocks[$locId]);
    	pop @ranges; #remove last empty | to avoid
    	my $description = "<![CDATA[\n";
    	foreach (@ranges) {
    		my ($startIpNum, $endIpNum) = split(/-/);
    		$description .= inet_ntoa(pack('N',$startIpNum))."
    - ".inet_ntoa(pack('N',$endIpNum))."<br>\n";
    	$description .= "]]>\n";
    	# skip cities with 0 assigned ips
    	unless(@ranges) { next; }
    	# Add proper styling to the icon depending on the number of IPs in the area
    	my $size_style = "small";
    	if($#ranges < 10) { $size_style = "small"; }
    	elsif($#ranges < 100) { $size_style = "medium"; }
    	elsif($#ranges < 1000) { $size_style = "large"; }
    	else { $size_style = "gigantic"; }
    	print OUT "	<Placemark>\n";
    	print OUT "		<name>$city, $country</name>\n";
    	print OUT "		<description>".$description."</description>\n";
    	print OUT "		<styleUrl>#$size_style</styleUrl>\n";
    	print OUT "		<Point>\n";
    	print OUT "			<coordinates>$longitude,$latitude</coordinates>\n";
    	print OUT "		</Point>\n";
    	print OUT "	</Placemark>\n";
    close LOC;
    print OUT "	</Folder>\n";
    print OUT "</Document>\n";
    print OUT "</kml>";
    close OUT;
    print "[ * ] Generated $counter listings\n";
    Ultima modifica di debug : 02-10-2008 alle ore 19.11.13 Motivo: Usa i tag appositi!

  2. #2


    E' da parecchio tempo che non programmo più in Perl ma già dalle prime righe la vedo grigia:

    Codice PHP:
    use Socket;
    noto l'utilizzo di inet_ntoa (

    Mi risulta che le socket non siano abilitate... ho l'impessione che bisogna utilizzare altre strade.

    Ultima modifica di golfox : 03-10-2008 alle ore 10.23.55

  3. #3


    Citazione Originalmente inviato da golfox Visualizza messaggio
    E' da parecchio tempo che non programmo più in Perl ma già dalle prime righe la vedo grigia:

    Codice PHP:
    use Socket;
    noto l'utilizzo di inet_ntoa (

    Mi risulta che le socket non siano abilitate... ho l'impessione che bisogna utilizzare altre strade.

    Onestamente: non ho capito quello che hai detto.

    C'è un altro modo?

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